For Therapists

Let's Grab Coffee!

Life as a solo practitioner is hard for an extrovert like myself. I miss being able to pop into a coworker's office to chat about what's going on or just to see a friendly face! I'm eager to network and build a community of like-minded clinicians. Definitely let me know if you'd be interested in grabbing a cup of coffee/tea!

I'm available to meet in-person in Atlanta or virtually!

Virtual Coworking

Unfortunately, with the work we do, catching up on clinical notes isn't something we can bring into a public space. Fortunately, it's modern times and most of us have gotten used to doing things online anyways! While working from home can have its benefits, it's no secret that it can also feel isolating. Schedule a 60 minute session of co-working to increase motivation, plan out your week, and make a new friend! 

Need to Consult?

Not only are we ethically obligated to engage in regular consultations, but it's also just helpful and fun! Have a case you want to review or just talk over? Need help conceptualizing or solidifying a diagnosis? I love talking about this stuff and making things make sense. I also love building each other up as therapists! We're all out here just trying to do our best with the resources we have! 

P.S. We'll make sure to consult in a way that leaves out identifying information and maintains confidentiality.